Welcome to The Global School For The Future™

So you want to change the world. What challenges do you want to solve? Where do you start?

We have created the content, training and programs to help you ignite your passion, unlock your purpose, unleash your potential and create your pathway.

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them
tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The Integrated Elements of The Global School For The Future™



Prepare the SOIL. SEEDs for the Future


EAT for the FUTURE.

Educate. Act. Transform


FEAST for the Future

Forecast. Empower. Accelerate. Sustain. Transcend.


The Holistic Hungry Philosophy

We all start as seeds. So do our ideas. Different soils grow different seeds. Different seeds bear different fruits. No matter your background, we believe that everyone has the right to build a brighter future. Just like in Mother Nature, we all have a place at the table. As we are all stakeholders in the future, how do we help more impactful ideas bear fruit?

Gone are the restrictions of traditional, linear schooling. Gone are the limitations of venture capital’s broken model for investment. Gone is the dogma of cookie-cutter conformity of what “success” looks like. In their place, we have created a holistic, dynamic model that combines freedom with structure, technology with humanity and customization with common ground that works on all levels to help anyone who is hungry grow their idea from seed to sustainability.


We are connecting the dots and aligning macro-level ecosystem building with micro-level development of human capacity. to allow each seed to grow into bountiful fruit.


Welcome to the Pilot Program for the Individual Ikigai Incubator™

We are here to lay the foundation for you to pave your journey.

Be prepared and come ready.


Imagine a world where you are empowered to unlock your purpose and unleash your potential, in your own way.

We will not only show you what to learn - we will impart the more important lessons of how to learn, think and adapt.

We deconstruct you to the core to build you back up - with a higher level of consciousness, a clearer sense of direction and a defined roadmap for tackling anything that comes your way.

In essence, you will become more resilient.

We will ask the hard questions, unpack your ego and challenge you to think bigger and do better.

We will be your devil’s advocate, your biggest fan and your impassioned mentor.

Today is the beginning of your lifelong path of growth from who you think you are to who we know you can be.

We believe in you. Let’s begin.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.

Program Outline

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country...
— Henry David Thoreau

What is Ikigai? Why is it important?

So many of us want to change the world, but many never do. Many never start. Many quit along the way. Many never even believe they have the audacity to go after their own dreams.

After years of working with founders, entrepreneurs, students and executives, we learned that despite outward success, many people were feeling empty and unfulfilled with how they were living a life of purpose.

We realized that to truly empower someone to effect meaningful change in the world, we had to start with the root cause of all failure and all success - the self.

Ikigai is the Japanese concept meaning “a reason for being”. It is the bliss point of what you love, what the world needs, what you can get paid for and what you’re good at. In essence, it aligns your purpose with livelihood to create a life with meaning, contentment and impact. Which is why, after much iteration and testing, we’ve developed this course.

Why the World Needs You

The Hungry Lab is proud to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We understand the significance of the challenges facing us and are working hard to be a part of the solution by incubating the next generation of problem solvers.

Never before has there been such a sense of urgency to prepare society to adapt to a volatile tomorrow, with growing anxiety about being left behind.

Today’s founders, businesses and institutions face growing pressure to both do well and do good. How do we help them do better? How can we create market-based ecosystems that benefit all stakeholders? How do we build an inclusive, self-sustaining economic foundation to create jobs, stimulate entrepreneurship and spur investment?

We are passionate about working with our community and members to ignite entrepreneurial innovation to create brighter futures.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
— Barack Obama


The main objectives of the course are not only to discover your Ikigai, but to more importantly, empower you to make a fruitful living from it and future-proof it so you can thrive in an uncertain tomorrow:

The 6 Ps of the Program:

  1. Unlock your purpose

  2. Ignite your passion

  3. Unleash your potential

  4. Identify your means for profit

  5. Create your pathway for impact

  6. Build your pipeline for growth



We have designed our program to be easy and accessible, and have structured many learning hacks to turn complex topics into simple concepts. The program is designed to be very interactive and action-based through a combination of video sessions, tutorials, workbooks, and one-on-one coaching. No matter what you’re meant to do in the end, this program will meet you where you are - however you’re starting out - and offer a personalized approach to make sure the modules work for your unique circumstances.


Module 1
What are you hungry for?

Ready? Let’s do this.

Starting with the SELF™

There’s no out-of-the-box thinking here. Because there’s no box at all. As the saying goes - “As within so without. As above, so below.” Let’s break free from the confines of what has led you here and unleash endless possibilities. Come as you are. That’s a good place to start.

Through our proven SELF™ (Soulful Examination for a Loving Future) methodology, we will guide you through the critical questions to ask at the start of your journey.

For Module 1, we will dig deep:

1. What problems do you see in the world that you want to solve? What change would you like to see in the world? What change would you like to see in your own life?

2. Explore your deeply held belief systems and question them

3. Explore what you really want - irrespective of family influence, social pressure, or any other restrictions.

4. Explore your best - beneath the surface. Your motivations. Your desires. Your hopes for the future.

5. Explore your worst - your insecurities, your challenges, your bad habits that have sabotaged you in the past.

“No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life”
— Friedrich Nietzsche

Modules 2-5
Know, Trust, Like Thy Self.

We will lay the foundation from which we will build upon thru the entirety of the program.

Laying down the LAWS™ for self-discovery: Leadership. Achievement. Wellness. Story.

Module 2 Leadership


Leadership is something we all aspire to but often remains out of reach due to low confidence, lack of action and outside influence. It is crucial that you’re empowered to be an effective leader in order to guide your vision into reality.


The content and exercises of Module 2 are designed to cast off your inhibitions and preconceived notions so you can identify and unleash your unique superpower.


1. How to look within yourself and ask the right questions to get to the root cause of what’s holding you back

2. How to identify and unlock your unique superpower - yes, we all have at least one - and align it with what the world needs

3. How to assess and improve your 3 “I” factors for leadership: Inform. Inspire. Implement.

4. How to claim your authentic authority and confidently answer the questions: “Why you?” “What right do you have to be a leader?”

5. How to align your past with where you want to go and where the world is heading

6. How to define your ideal target following. Who should you lead?

7. How to identify your True North, your conscious and subconscious motivations and why you’re embarking on your mission

8. How to identify your ideal leadership style and what that means for your journey

Module 3 Achievement


So many people, especially high achievers, suffer from Imposter Syndrome. Others lack the confidence to assert their accomplishments or even identify them. It is important to acknowledge what you have achieved and give yourself credit where credit is due.


The content and exercises of Module 3 are designed to build your confidence to not only give credit to what you have rightfully earned throughout your life, but to also structure your achievements in a way that turns disparate experiences into one cohesive foundation that lays the building blocks for your future narrative.


1. How to deconstruct your past professional and personal experiences into memorable, concise lessons for any audience

2. How to holistically think about your achievements and learnings to date by redefining how you think about all you’ve done

3. How to confidently delineate between education and schooling to effectively gain credibility

4. How to assess and leverage the outcomes of the 3”Es” for building your Achievement Arc™:
Experiences. Expertise. Education

5. How to turn negative experiences and failures into the building blocks for resiliency and wisdom

6. How to determine toward which direction your past has been leading you and how to best move forward

7. How to identify and prioritize which skills and strengths to leverage

8. How to identify and prioritize which gaps in your record or skillset you need to fill

Module 4 Wellness


Too often, we get burnt out in our busy lives and in the our pursuit of our dreams. Without your health, what’s the point? It is important to take care of your physical, mental and emotional well-being so that your body, your state of being and your energy can serve you in the best way possible.


The content and exercises of Module 4 are designed to help you to listen to what your body is telling you with both internal and external stressors and to develop the best manner suited to you to align your mind, body and soul.


1. How to step back and listen to what your mind and body need

2. How to get back in touch with your soulful side to better respond, rather than react, to stress

3. How to have the necessary conversations with yourself to maintain better emotional balance

4. The simple but effective tools for various methods of relaxation, calm and focus

5. How to go within to separate the noise in your life from what truly matters

6. How to practice simple mindfulness in a busy schedule

Bonus Module: Keep your CHIN™ Up


Our health goes beyond our bodies. What drives our actions in the present is often driven by subconscious triggers of the past. It is important to elevate our self-awareness to understand our thinking process and overcome the fears preventing us from reaching the next level.


The content and exercises of this Bonus Module are designed to level up what you learned in Module 3. You will learn how to trust your instincts and take proactive measures through new tools to improve your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.


1. Cognition: How to utilize simple tools and methods to improve cognitive functioning, including focus, memory and mental resilience

2. Healing: How to empower yourself with the tools to explore how to heal your inner woundings and ingrained toxic conditioning so you can move on to a higher energy

3. Intuition: How to distinguish between insecurity and intuition, how to quell change anxiety and how to listen to your feelings to guide your decision-making

4. Nutrition: How to adopt simple but effective methods to eat for your brain and body for greater balance, clarity and mood

“To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight.”
— e.e. cummings

Module 5 Story


People are drawn to stories, not statistics. To attract and grow an audience loyal to your cause, it’s important to create an emotional arc that resonates and inspires potential followers, customers, evangelists and investors.


The content and exercises of Module 5 are designed to empower you to find your voice, build your personal brand and draft a story that aligns with where you’ve come from and where you want to go.


1. How to reverse engineer your legacy to start yourself off with the right foundation

2. How to draft your hypothetical memoirs to reflect your long and winding hero’s journey

3. How to find the courage to break free from preconceived notions put onto you by others and unlock and exercise your authentic voice

4. How to build your long-lasting narrative to showcase your achievements and turn your negatives into teachable moments to draw your audience closer

5. How to customize and craft your story to suit different demographics and audiences

6. How to create corresponding content that aligns with your overall narrative

7. How to pitch yourself - not your product, not your company - but yourself first in a memorable way in diverse situations

8. How to empower others to action with your powerful value proposition

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

— Alan Kay

Modules 6-10

Congratulations! Now the foundation has been laid for the Self. You know the direction you’re headed in terms of your purpose and potential, and now we need to build your pathway, unlock opportunities to make a profitable living, and create a sustainable pipeline for your future. Before we can harvest the fruit of your endeavors, we must prepare the soil and allow the seed to take root and grow strong. From Idea to Reality, Modules 6 through 10 serve as a guided methodology for step-by-step progress and execution.

Module 6 Prepare the SOIL


No founder is an island. No startup or social enterprise can exist in a silo. Just like in Mother Nature where there is a place for everyone, it’s important to understand our place amongst all the stakeholders - customers, investors, supporters, advisors, experts, suppliers, beneficiaries, users, etc. - in your larger ecosystem. It takes a village to help your project or business grow, so how will you cultivate the right village for you?


The content and exercises in Module 6 are designed to allow you to conceptualize, design and build your own pathway and village to help your idea take root, aligned with your mission and goals for impact.


Strong roots grow in the right soil. How will your idea take root?

1. Stakeholders: It takes a village. How to build the right support structure.

2. Oxygen: How to acquire the breathing room and resources to take risks, fail forward, learn and grow.

3. Intelligence: How to gather the right information, research, knowledge and metrics customized to guide your path in turning your idea into reality.

4. Leadership: To continue from the previous Leadership foundation - how to inspire awareness and action to your vision.

Module 7 MAP™ the SEED™


Whatever your journey, realizing your Ikigai for profitability and impact does not happen overnight. It’s a long journey and requires the right mindset which is why we focused so much on wellness. Moreover, the best of ideas can not happen without the right execution, so it’s important to map out your plan of action to turn idea into reality.


The content and exercises of Module 7 are designed to reinforce and advance the previous preparation and planning for your journey ahead, by plotting out your roadmap, identifying the SEED (Social. Economic. Educational. Digital) of inclusion and overcoming the gaps for your SEED to take root.


1. The MAP™ of your pathway : Mindset. Application. Process.

2. Social: How to understand your social spheres of influence, the gaps in your network and how to build a greater social clout.

3. Economic: How to understand your idea’s potential economic impact, your economic needs and how to build up your wherewithal.

4. Educational: How to understand your educational spheres of influence, overcoming any perceived gaps in education and your idea’s educational impact.

5. Digital: How to understand your digital spheres of influence, the gaps in the digital competencies needed for you idea and your idea’s potential impact for digital inclusion.

6.The 5 Vs of Your Pathway: How to draft your roadmap in a manner that incorporates the important Vs of your journey: Vision. Viability. Volatility. Vitality. Visibility.

Module 8 Nurture the SEED™


Ideas don’t become reality without proper execution. As you plan and execute your roadmap to realize your Ikigai and your journey to impact, it’s important to not only understand the bigger picture but also make sure the details and intricacies are not overlooked..


The content and exercises of Module 8 are designed to help you create a process to understand, assess and leverage important details to increase your chances of success.


1. Structure: How to structure your process that aligns with your timeline, milestones and resources.

2. Empower: How to enhance your process to leverage your strengths and competencies, and how to empower your support system.

3. Efficacy: How to eliminate inefficiencies in your process by identifying your roadblocks and bottlenecks.

4. Data: How to gather and assess data, Information & value. How to differentiate between the three, how to translate information into value for your stakeholders and how to leverage all three for your advantage.

Module 9 Grow Strong ROOTS™


As you pave your way forward with greater confidence, clarity and security, it’s important to reinforce your work thus far to make sure your growth and pathway are secure to weather any storm.


The content and exercises of Module 9 are designed to create a buttress for your seed by growing strong ROOTS™ to weather external factors, volatility and changes: Resilience. Opportunity. Offering. Trajectory. Strategy.


1. Resilience: How to build true resiliency for an unpredictable future by leveraging your resources at hand and how to utilize force multipliers to help you make the most when resources are scarce.

2. Opportunity: How to recognize, create and prioritize the right opportunities for you to mobilize your talents at the right time and harness your ikigai for the right impact

3. Offering: How to determine in what specific manner you would channel your ikigai to make a thriving living - whether the offering be a product, a business, a service, a job - and how to jumpstart the process to deploy the offering.

4. Trajectory: How to project, manage and track your pathway and pace of progress based on your direction, constraints and opportunities.

5. Strategy: How to determine the most appropriate plan of action at this junction for your personal and professional path that incorporates the SOIL, the SEED and the ROOTS.

Module 10 Seed to Sprout


As you gain more secure grounding and progress in your ikigai journey, it’s important to keep your momentum going by continuing to feed your seed with the right support, messaging and assets.


The content and exercises of Module 10 are designed to help you accentuate your strengths and build up support to buffer your weaknesses and overcome challenges.


1. Building Your Village: How to “smart-match” your ideal village to help you - your experts, advisors, mentors, vendors, etc.- and optimize your best team based on your needs, challenges and direction.

2. From Complexity to Clarity: How to minimize noise, hype and distractions to maximize focus on your path forward in terms of aligning all the 6 Ps.

3. Building Your Competitive Advantage: How to strengthen core competencies and your unique value proposition to enhance your positioning, credibility and impact.

4. Educate to Dominate: How to improve and spread your messaging to take your thought leadership to the next level, build a bigger audience and generate attention to your offerings.

Futurism is unavoidable, and any company that gets it wrong is going to be out of business.

— Ray Kurzweil

Modules 11-15
Future-Proof You: FEAST™ for the Future

Forecast. Evolve. Accelerate. Sustain. Transcend.

Congratulations! You’ve identified your purpose, found your passion, unleashed your potential, identified opportunities for a profitable living, paved your pathway and begun building your pipeline. Your seed has been planted, nurtured, taken strong root and is well on its way to growing strong and bearing fruit.

However, this is only the beginning. Just like in nature, it will take time for you to start seeing the fruits of your labor, all the while being exposed to the elements. In this case - external risks, unforeseen circumstances, competition, and other factors beyond your control. How do you build more resilience and equip yourself with the adaptability needed to thrive, regardless of what the future holds?

Module 11 Forecast


What works for you today in terms of harnessing your ikigai does not necessarily mean it will continue to work for you in the future. In the face of growing volatility and rapidly changing dynamics, from the job market to new technologies, It’s important to look ahead and combine what you know today with what you can forecast for the future to help you prepare for whatever eventuality in the most suitable manner.


The content and exercises of Module 11 are designed to holistically look at how to best grasp and leverage relevant future trends, innovations and larger market dynamics to understand your changing place in the bigger picture and how to always stay at the forefront of change.


1. Unknown Unknowns: How to navigate ambiguity to turn uncertainty into opportunity

2. Risk Management: How to assess opportunities, threats and future-proofing.

3. The Devil's in the Details: How to understand the correlation and consequences within the macro ecosystem in relation to individual situations and choices.

4. Financial Forecasting: How to breakdown intimidating financial models to create simple scenario projections to determine how you’ll need to secure your financial foothold.

Module 12 Evolve


The only certainty is change. It’s important to guard against complacency and stay ahead of the competition, both for yourself as well as whatever initiative you start by harnessing your ikigai.


The content and exercises of Module 12 are designed to help you not only be nimble and open to change and evolution in your journey, but also evolve in a way that continues to harness your ikigai and maximize your potential.


1. Planning to Scale and Scaling to Plan: How to expand beyond your immediate market and village to grow out of your comfort zone.

2. Failing Fast & Forward: How to think like an entrepreneur in terms of agility and adaptability to turn setbacks and pivots into beneficial signposts

3. Pivot, Adapt & Innovate: How to change course for the better if necessary and know the signs of when to do so.

Module 13 Accelerate


Sooner or later, you will reach a point where you need to pick up the pace. Whether the sense of urgency is external or your own drive, you will want to see greater progress and greater momentum. What will this look like? Will it be seeking investment for your venture, funding for your project, leveraging strategic partners, making a career change, taking a promotion, etc.?


The content and exercises of Module 13 are designed to help you navigate this critical juncture of your journey in a way that picks up the pace while steering you in the right direction.


1. How to seek out the right resources at the right time to accelerate your journey.

2. How to leverage force multipliers to advance your endeavors with less effort and greater reward.

3. How to create evangelists, ambassadors and more boots on the ground to support your cause via your own unique influence.

Module 14 Sustain


Your pathway is not secure if it is not sustainable. Sustainability means different things to different people, so it’s important to define how you will sustain your current trajectory - be it in terms of livelihood, impact, environment, technology, influence or all of the above.


The content and exercises of Module 14 are designed to help you identify the manner in which your own unique pathway can be sustained with what you have, where you’re going and what you need along the way.


1. Sustainable Ecosystem: How to create benefits for all stakeholders that sustain their interest, engagement and investment in your journey, be it a venture, project or job.

2. Sustainable Development Goals: How to align the sustainability of your path with the wider impact you’re trying to make, and how you are contributing to creating solutions for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

3. Sustainable Livelihood: How to ensure your livelihood has longevity, be it a sustainable business model, sustainable career track or sustainable solution to a cause.

Module 15 Transcend


It’s not enough to survive in pursuit of fulfilling your purpose. You want to thrive. In a future of uncertainty, it’s important to keep your mind and heat open, as you started out, to grow and develop further.


As you’ve continued to learn, you have been ascending to a higher consciousness, a higher skillset and a higher positioning. The content and exercises of Module 15 are designed to build upon the program so far to help you test yourself and go beyond any remaining limits.


1. From Competition to Collaboration: How to catalyze the magic of win-win-win ecosystems to turn competitors into allies whom you can work with to take you to the next level.

2. The Power Partnerships: How to empower your partners to level up so you can take them along with you and grow together.

3. The Measure of Impact: How to evaluate and determine the right metrics for your situation for enhancing ROI and impact.

4. Putting it all together: From Module 1 to Module 15, now’s your chance to lay out all the components of your journey and display how you have learned and applied the knowledge.


Module 16
What’s next?

It’s only the beginning…

What will be the next chapter in the journey of you?

We will explore some of the possibilities available to you in The Hungry Lab’s Global School of The Future™ - The Classroom, The Lab and The Futurist - to see how you can level up.

We’re excited for what’s in store and can’t wait to see what you do next. The world needs you.

And as Steve Jobs would stay - “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”


Reshaping Education to Pave Your Own Path to Resilience


Today’s young people and adult workforce face significant challenges in the face of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Traditional schooling is not preparing our students to adapt and thrive in a world of volatility. How do we help individuals, teams and organizations stay at the forefront of innovation and cultivate a forward-thinking culture? How can we retool education to prepare them with the lifelong skills to navigate and thrive in an uncertain future?


Starting with the SELF

What is your reason for innovation? Through our flagship IKIGAI INCUBATOR™ program, we help individuals, teams and organizations develop, align and unleash their 6 Ps in their journey.

Potential: What you’re good at

Passion: What you love to do

Profit: What you can get paid for

Purpose: What the world needs

Pathway: How do you execute?

Pipeline: How do you grow?


Customized Programs for Tomorrow’s Problem Solvers

  • E-learning Platform

  • Individualized Programs, Reporting & Guided Pathways

  • Workshops, Bootcamps, Courses

  • Training Modules & Content Licensing

  • Group or One-on-One Coaching, Mentorship & Advisory

  • Holistic Metrics, Measurable Results, Tangible Outcomes & Deliverables

  • Customized Projects


Transforming thinkers into doers through entrepreneurship.

Today’s founders, businesses and institutions face growing pressure to both do well and do good. How do we help them do better? How can we create market-based ecosystems that benefit all stakeholders? How do we build an inclusive, self-sustaining economic foundation to create jobs, stimulate entrepreneurship and spur investment?

We are passionate about working with our community and members to ignite entrepreneurial innovation to create brighter futures.


The Three-Pronged Benefits of Entrepreneurship Empowerment:


Empower the next generation of students. Provide the resources, mentorship and skills training to maximize previously untapped talent; enhance student capacity building and next generation skills for the future.


Cultivate the next generation of entrepreneurs to identify, unleash and maximize their economic potential by creating their own sustainable opportunities with wider market access.

Economic Development:

Align macroeconomic policy with micro-level dynamics to build the necessary value chains for strong businesses. Design sustainable ecosystems to create local jobs, spur market-based innovation and solve local challenges.


Out of the Lab. Into the Market.

“I’m Vik, and I’m hungry to make India greener and cleaner.”

Meet Vikesh Sharma, Founder & CEO of PowerMitra, a Mumbai-based solar power startup on a mission to reshape India’s green energy landscape. Learn how we’re working with him to create an accessible solar power ecosystem across India that creates lasting benefits for all industry stakeholders, including consumers, installers, financiers, property owners and job-seekers.

Anticipating tomorrow. Advising today.


How do we make a tangible business case for environmental stewardship? How do we leverage new technologies to empower the most vulnerable communities? How do we reconcile short-term wants with long-term needs? How do we design circular, closed-loop economies that lower waste, reduce footprints and increase opportunities?

Enabling a Better Future. 
The Hungry Futurist is the think tank and consulting arm of The Global School of the Future, where we help startups, NGOs and corporates gain a competitive edge for tomorrow through insight and foresight into possibilities and opportunities. The Hungry Futurist enables organizations to improve strategic planning for the future through critical examination of the company's vision, operations and culture, as well as directional insight into industry, policy, market and consumer trends. In essence, we enable clients to create brighter futures and drive greater impact. 

We equip organizations with the tools and diverse perspectives to better analyze internal and external processes, behavior and systems, as well as prepare for various scenarios within an organization's lifecycle, including growth, maturity and exit.

Through big picture planning along with customized tactical recommendations, The Hungry Futurist helps organizations draw a roadmap for the future.


Inspiring Action. Connecting the Dots.


The Hungry Lab is committed to elevating the dialogue around our mission. Not only does our team speak around the world, we also nurture the young people, entrepreneurs and other clients to become thought leaders in their own right. By organizing our own events, as well as collaborating with our global partners, we strive to engage, educate and inspire a whole new generation of problem solvers.


Global Speaking

From TED events to UN conferences, from CEO forums to startup conferences, The Hungry Lab’s team and community are active in speaking, moderating and building dialogues to share our vision and expertise.

Pictured right: The Hungry Lab founder, Bian Li, spoke about the role of startup innovation in public private partnerships at the UN FAO and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Global Conference on Accelerating Nutrition in Bangkok, 2018.

Startups to Save the World™

As our flagship roundtable series, The Hungry Lab’s Startups to Save the World Series showcases the next generation of problem solvers at the intersection of technology, sustainability and entrepreneurship.

Starting in August 2017 in our home base of LA/Orange County, we have since rolled out a diverse array of events with our partners and startups in cities around the world and can't wait to have you join the conversation!

Workshops & Seminars

The Hungry Lab organizes a variety of educational events for both our community members as well as the general public on critical topics for social entrepreneurs, including Founder Fundamentals™, Pitch Deck 101 and Finance for Founders™, among others.

In 2019, due to significant demand, we are rolling out additional workshop topics.

Startup Inclusivity Series

In partnership with WeWork, The Hungry Lab kicked off this ongoing series on International Women’s Day in March 2018. Featuring a diverse array of innovators, entrepreneurs and changemakers, this ongoing roundtable series focuses on important topics ranging from gender to age and other factors critical to cultivating a diverse startup ecosystem.

Partnerships & Advocacy

From presidents and cabinet ministers to leading academics, scientists, journalists, CEOs and entrepreneurs, The Hungry Lab works at all levels to advance our mission for impact.

Pictured right: Bian Li with India’s preeminent scientist and founder of India’s Green Revolution, Dr. MS. Swaminathan. The Hungry Lab is strategic partners with the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation in Chennai, India, where we collaborate to incubate the next generation of agricultural entrepreneurs and the larger Ag-tech innovation ecosystem across the state of Tamil Nadu.

Pop Culture Classroom

As part of The Hungry Classroom’s innovative content, we are deconstructing complex topics into accessible, easily understandable concepts for all people, regardless of academic schooling, to understand and appreciate.

We believe that entertainment, coupled with education, is a fun and approachable way for students of all ages to absorb and retain knowledge. Some of our creative educational programs include:

Comedy & Climate Change
Standup with Startups
Pop-o-nomics - Pop Culture & Economics

The World is our Lab.


With an eye on social, economic and environmental impact, The Hungry Futurist invests its earnings into advancing sustainable, market-based solutions to global challenges concerning access, availability and adaptability in food, agriculture and water.

With a pulse on the future direction, opportunities and challenges of sustainable development and social entrepreneurship, we are engaged in the following projects and independent, in-house research.


Sustainable Supply Chains

Combining MIT research tools with a global network of farmers, companies and consumers, The Hungry Futurist is conducting research into the traceability and sourcing transparency of major consumer foods, from both land and sea. The Hungry Futurist is tracking the efficacy and adoption of various labeling innovations, consumer apps and scoring from watchdog organizations on the supply chain sustainability of major global brands and evaluating the implications for consumer choice and future trends.

Ecosystem Building &
Multi-sector Taskforces

The Global Goals

The Hungry Lab is proud to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We understand the significance of the challenges facing us and are working hard to be a part of the solution by incubating the next generation of problem solvers.



We are the problem solvers. We are the future-proofers.
We are the [RE]generation.

Based on the principles of Regenerative Ecology, where Mother Nature has a place for everything, we are building a Regenerative Economy, a [RE]conomy™ that has a place for everyone.

We believe in incubating the person, not only the product.

We believe in enhancing ecosystems, not egos.

We believe that startups should serve society, not just shareholders.

That business models should be sustainable. For all stakeholders.

That founders work best when pursuit of profit aligns with pursuit of purpose and when hustle - the ‘blood, sweat, toil and tears’ - is aligned with wellness - head, heart, gut and soul.

We believe in technology with humanity. Innovation with context. Disruption with consciousness. We believe that the science of discovery must be combined with the social value of deployment.

We believe that success ought not to be measured solely by the funds raised, but by the jobs created, the real problems solved, the talent nurtured.

We believe that knowledge comes from every direction, not just top down, rich to poor, west to east, or north to south. That education extends far beyond the classroom. And that wisdom comes from understanding the interconnectedness of all walks - and forms - of life.

That each human - wherever, however, whoever they are - should have the audacity to dream, pursue and realize a brighter future. That we are who we’ve been waiting for.

We are the problem solvers. We are the future-proofers.
We are the [RE]generation.

If you’re hungry to join us and stake your claim in the [RE]conomy, welcome.

We’ve been saving a place for you.