The Hungry Lab Founder Bian Li to give seminar at MS Swaminathan Research Foundation


Today’s young people face significant challenges in the face of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Moreover, today’s young social innovators, particularly agricultural entrepreneurs, face growing pressure to both do well and do good. How can we retool education to prepare them with the lifelong skills to navigate and thrive in an uncertain future? How do we help them create their own opportunities to create a better livelihood? How can we create market-based ecosystems that benefit all stakeholders? How do we build an inclusive, self-sustaining economic foundation to create jobs, stimulate entrepreneurship and spur investment?

The lecture by Bian Li will address the above topics as she shares her expertise, insight and lessons learned in empowering the next generation of young innovators and building ecosystems around the world and in India.

The Hungry Lab Founder Bian Li to Speak at CWAT Bollywood Philanthropy Event

The Hungry Lab founder Bian Li will be speaking on the evolving landscape of philanthropy on April 30 at the concept launch of Charity with a Twist (CWAT), an innovative new app that allows NGOs to raise funds by monetizing audience engagement on a global scale.

About the Event

CWAT-Charity with a twist. It's a first of its kind entertainment and messaging platform that gives 100% of its net profits to NGOs of India.

To launch this first of its kind philanthropic concept, CWAT is doing a performance filled day on April 30th, 2019. This day will see performances by the Meet Brothers, Shruti Pathak, Aanchal Shrivastav and talks by Ritu David, Hans Dalal, Mae Thomas and by Josh Talks. It'll be an 8 hours long event to encourage people to go on and show their support by pre-registering.

With 90+ NGOs and 60+ celebrities supporting CWAT, this has the potential of creating a record number of pre-registrations.

There will be a large number of press and media present at the event.


Packed with features similar to YouTube and Messenger but 100% of the net profits is donated to NGOs of the user's choice. Imagine just chatting and hospitals being built and/or watching videos and educating a child and/or sheltering animals.

The Hungry Lab founder Bian Li speaks at TEDx Dharavi

The Hungry Lab founder Bian Li speaks at TEDx Dharavi

At TEDxDharavi, experience amazing ideas that will inspire you to take a step back & look at things with a renewed perspective. We tap into the India's most innovative thinkers to ponder what's new and what's next - listening, learning, and sharing their own perspective!